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MoventumOffice 2.0: The new trading platform version for Financial Advisors

In order to be able to work more efficiently, especially in these turbulent times, we have updated the MoventumOffice management and investment platform to the latest technological standards. From the beginning of October, you can expect attractive new

MoventumOffice 2.0: The new trading platform version for Financial Advisors

“As long as key interest rates are rising, equity markets will not turn around lastingly”

The outlook for risk assets such as equities has deteriorated sharply. Interest rate hikes and quantitative tightening are weighing on markets, and the overall situation may remain difficult. “Historically, as long as the

“As long as key interest rates are rising, equity markets will not turn around lastingly”

Moventum: Negative interest rates are history

The times of negative interest rates are over: The European Central Bank has moved its deposit rate back into positive territory. This in turn allows financial institutions to cancel their negative interest rates. Moventum

Moventum: Negative interest rates are history

Investing in times of recession

The investment environment remains challenging: the global economy is dipping, high inflation rates are driving up interest rates. Not all companies and investment classes, however, are equally affected. “Long-term bonds are

Investing in times of recession

Moventum Funds classified as Article 8 funds

An ever growing number of investors are focusing on sustainability in their investments. Among advisors, the demand for appropriate products is rapidly increasing. Now Moventum is able to serve this demand even better: The

Moventum Funds classified as Article 8 funds

Inflation meets currency weakness meets recession fears

The euro is only the equivalent of one dollar now, inflation will soon be rising to double digits, experts sound warnings of a recession and the loss of prosperity. A gloomy scenario - but there is hope: “At the moment we expect that things have to get

Inflation meets currency weakness meets recession fears

Interview with Karen French

Time to say goodbye! Karen French, former Executive Vice President looks back on a 22-year career at Moventum and shares her plans for the future.

Interview with Karen French

Interview with Carsten Gerlinger about successful investment strategies

Find out what Carsten Gerlinger, Head of AM at #Moventum, would invest in if he had 1 million dollars at his disposal today. We talk to him about current market developments. What about the tech stocks that have been so hyped in recent years? Is America

Interview with Carsten Gerlinger about successful investment strategies

Risks are dominating on the bond markets

Luxembourg, 29 June 2022 – Central banks are combating inflation, thus causing rising risks in the bond markets. "For asset allocation, this means cutting back on the bond segments with the greatest risks," saysCentral banks are fighting inflation,


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